Semen Analysis

  • Analysis of freshly ejaculated semen is the most important diagnostic test in the initial investigation of male infertility. Semen is a mixture of secretions from several components of the genital tract. The testes contribute only 5% of the semen volume but, naturally, all of the sperm. Few important points to be taken into consideration are:

    • The semen analysis provides an indication of male fertility but is not an absolute test for fertility
    • Semen analysis is performed on a fresh specimen within 2hours of collection
    • Before testing, a period of 2-3days of abstinence from ejaculation is recommended
    • The semen is best collected by masturbation into a sterile container
    • Semen analysis are best performed in Andrology laboratory with extensive experience using the approved methods of WHO
    • Most important characteristics in semen analysis are semen volume, pH, Viscosity, Sperm count/concentration, Motility, Morphology and pus cells concentration
    • The finding of no sperm in semen is known as Azoospermia, which has to be confirmed on two different occasions.
    • When there is decreased sperm motility, the varicocele or prostatic infections have to be ruled out.
    • Sperm shape (morphology) is an important predictive indicator of sperm fertilizing ability. Fertility declines as the percentage falls, particularly in men with less than 5% normal-shaped sperm
    • Semen analysis is an important tool to decide the possible need for assisted reproduction
    • Most important parameters of semen analysis for spontaneous conception are – Total sperm concentration 15million/ml; Active sperm motility of >32%; Concentration of morphologically normal sperms->4-5%.